
Passive cooling has gained popularity among gamers, who prefer a quieter computing experience. However, until recently, passive cooling was only found on low-power, entry-level graphics cards, while mid-range and high-end cards typically relied on air cooling with fans.


Now, with the advent of the ultra-low-power GTX 1050 Ti, even performance-oriented graphics cards can take advantage of passive cooling. Recently, Tongde unveiled the world's first passively cooled GTX 1050 Ti, the GeForce GTX 1050 Ti KalmX.


The KalmX features a massive passive heatsink inherited from the GeForce GTX 750 Ti KalmX. This innovative design ensures silent operation even under heavy loads.


This dual-slot card boasts two nickel-plated pure copper heat pipes, massive cooling fins, and a pure copper baseplate for efficient and reliable heat dissipation. In terms of specifications, the card adheres to the reference design with a clock speed of 1290MHz and boost clock of 1392MHz. It features 128-bit 4GB GDDR5 memory clocked at 7GHz. Output options include DVI, HDMI, and DisplayPort connectors, and no external power supply is required.

Tongde has not yet disclosed the pricing of the card, but claims it will be the most competitive GTX 1050 Ti in the market.