
DNS Explained

DNS stands for "Domain Name System" and is a vital service that enables the Internet to function smoothly.

Computers understand only numeric IP addresses like "" or "" However, humans find it easier to remember domain names like "www.google.com" or "www.amazon.com."

DNS acts as a translator, converting domain names to their corresponding IP addresses. Without DNS, we would have to memorize IP addresses for every website we wanted to visit.

DNS Problems and Solutions

Slow website loading or connection issues but other apps work fine:

- This issue can usually be resolved by manually configuring your DNS settings on your router or computer.

Redirected to phishing websites:

- This is likely caused by a virus that has hijacked your DNS. Use an antivirus program to remove the malware.

How to Configure DNS

On Routers:

- Access your router's management interface (e.g., The exact path may vary depending on the router brand.

- Navigate to WAN Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Manual DNS Configuration -> Save.

On Computers:

- Open your computer's Control Panel.

- Go to "Network and Internet."

- Click "Change Adapter Settings."

- Select "Ethernet" or "Wi-Fi," right-click on it, and choose "Properties."

- Select "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)." Click "Properties."

- Check the box for "Use the following DNS server addresses" and enter the preferred DNS values (see below).

Recommended DNS Servers


- Tencent DNS (DNSPod):

- Alibaba DNS (AliDNS):,

- Baidu DNS:

- 360 Security DNS:

- China Telecom/China Mobile:,

- China Unicom:,

Differences Between Computer and Router DNS Settings

When you configure DNS on your router, all devices connected to that router will use those DNS settings.

If you manually configure DNS on an individual computer, it will override the DNS settings on your router for that specific computer only.